What a month !!!

One son left home and started work, the other didn’t, but is back cutting hair in Albert Square on the 12th.

I managed to set up the Hi-Fi and Mrs RM bought me a present.

It was the least I deserved after I’d played such a crucial role in minding the beer while Mrs RM attacked the garden with shears.

Those Tiny Rebel cans have seem me through March, though whether 6 cans of Clwb Tropica before and after my Covid jab was a good idea remains to be seen.

Getting jabbed was clearly the highpoint of the month, though finally getting a box-free house was a joy, and as the “Stay at home and rot” message was eased we were finally able to see what we moved north for.

That bloke on the rocks needs his hair cut. SOON.

I’ve checked the stats, three times, and I still can’t see any actual pub visits in March, but I DID get the GBG out again for the first time since November 4th and started to make some tentative plan for the Glorious 12th.

Which brings me to my second news update of the day. Having told you of our plans to leave the plague lands of Sheffield, Mrs RM has persuaded me to stay a little longer, on condition that I get to add Greater Peak District to our postal address and we change the lock so James can’t come for tea.

All I’m really hoping for of April is that the conditions for re-opening are met and I get to spend Monday week with a pint of Doom Bar or two in a Spoons.

Say, isn’t the 12th April National Doom Bar Day ?

The 11th ? Close enough.

8 thoughts on “MARCH ’21 STOCKTAKE. AND APRIL PREVIEW !!!!!

  1. Hancock was all set for pub opening on the 11th until he realised it was National Doom Day. Even the Tory Chump wasn’t cruel enough to hobble the big reopening to that degree. The 12th is National Mulled Blackjacks & Woodbines Stout Day, the weather’s been booked and everything…

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    1. 99% of CAMRA members would think that’s an April fool, Bill. But going back to a Spoons on 4th July last year and drinking Doom Bar and listening to hubbub in Blyth (Northumbs) was a wonderful experience. Better than drinking a pint of Almasty in silence in a micropub with no-one else.

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