Mrs RM gets told off in a Sam Smiths Pub

If your perfect pub is a symphony in brown (with a pint of BBB in a straight glass), then a perfect English town might be a symphony in black and white, like Chester.

It MIGHT be, though I still prefer the continual change and modern v medieval of Manchester.

Pub Curmudgeon missed the Gnome on his visit, but he DID visit the Boot, and I thought it was time I followed suit.

It’ll never make the GBG, and I wonder if I’ll ever again have the joy of visiting a new Sam Smiths pub in the Guide.

Mrs RM has visited a fair few Sam’s over the decades, mainly as a London undergrad, and the Olde Boot drew her in as much as me.

Mobile phones are banned in here” I told her, heading for the bar.

No greater love hath a wife for her husband than that she wilt take a photo in a Sam Smiths pub for his blog.

The young barman, sharp as a knife, admonished her using the Sir Humphrey rule book.

Mrs RM looked shame-faced, but the work was done.

It really is a gorgeous pub. You’d visit even if it didn’t serve beer, and to be honest the OBB had that slightly sharp taste you often find that can’t be explained by lack of turnover as the Boot was ticking over with a mixed crowd.

Talk to each other” demanded the sign at the door. So we did, mostly about our grazing feast, but we didn’t linger, not when Mrs RM is prone to swearing like a trooper and all.

And besides, you really DON’T want to go to bed in a campervan full of beer too often. Not when the car park loos are closed.

20 thoughts on “Mrs RM gets told off in a Sam Smiths Pub

    1. I’d say that sharpness, some would say sourness, is quite common, though as I probably average no more than 3 pints a year it’s hard to say. The Stockport trip in October will be a chance to test whether it’s beer or pub.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I’m wondering whether that slight tartness, often associated with OBB, is down to the wooden casks that Sam’s insist on using. The dark lager, brewed and served at U Fleku, in Prague, has a very similar taste, and again wood plays a role (wooden maturation vats, I believe.)

      Good photo’s btw, worth getting a bollocking for, especially if it’s your missus who is taking the rap for breaking one of Humph’s daft rules.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. It’s not simply turnover, as otherwise Sinclair’s in Manchester would have cask.

        I think to some extent the pubs with a more middle-class clientele are more likely to have cask.


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