We didn’t get much snow in Waterbeach, the driest place in England, and it was a shock to wake up yesterday and see urchins sliding down the hill opposite our house.

They’ll catch Covid !” screamed Wonderful Walkley Facebook Group.

Get a life” replied Wonderful Walkley Facebook Group.

Don’t leave the house” said Mrs RM. “I’m not visiting you in Sheffield General if you slip over“.

The (lovely) previous owners had warned about the rain,

but there’s been hardly a drop to disrupt my wanders down to closed pubs.

But the white stuff caused no end of problems for buses, Ocado delivery drivers and walkers, and I didn’t venture out till well past 4.

I know Duncan is looking for a mascot to match Colin and Baa Baa; how about this chap ?

At the top of Carr Road I reach The Rose, the lone Proper Pub left on Walkley’s main drag.

Every time I go past I mutter “Open the pubs !” to myself, though I know they can’t, yet.

See what I’ve got to look forward to;

Next to the Rose, opposite the (quite smart) Asda Local, there’s a pocket park where you can imagine the good folk of Walkley congregating to celebrate the re-opening of pubs.

For now, I succumb again to Walkley Beer Co, the ever-cheerful offie/micro whose cask has now settled.

I’d had the De La Senne the night before and thought “Mmm, nice, but I’m missing cask“.

The Redwillow, decanted into my trust Bass glass, proved why cask is the pinnacle etc etc etc.

But really, it’s pubs, any pub, I’m missing.

I’ve had enough snow now, Laura.


      1. When I were a lad we ‘ad proper winters – like 1962 to ’63 – and the only harm I came to was colliding with a tree as I’d not learnt not how to steer a sledge before going down the side of an old gravel pit on one.
        But we were ‘appy back then.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Unlike the Swiss, say, the English do not generally – as a people – bother clearing snow on the pavement or road outside their homes, no, Dave.

      If it’s bad, then some of us might be heard asking why “they” don’t clear it though, if you know what I mean.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. We ask that too. Never met “they” though. Hear about them a lot. They seem capable of many things if they weren’t so damn lazy.


    2. I went out with a big spade, inspired by your comment. Stood at the entrance, realising I hadn’t got a clue what to do with it (the spade no impression at all on ice). Turning to slush now.


  1. “and it was a shock to wake up yesterday and see urchins sliding down the hill opposite our house.”

    That photo below certainly tells the story. And I well understand with hilly bits. Same where we live. Roads are a bugger to get up when the white stuff comes a calling.

    “I’m not visiting you in Sheffield General if you slip over“

    Absolutely true. Although I doubt hospitals are allowing visitors in anyway. 😉

    “but there’s been hardly a drop to disrupt my wanders down to closed pubs.”

    Saved it all up to come down all at once, but as snow!

    “how about this chap ?”

    (shakes head) He looks like a fair weather friend. 😉

    “At the top of Carr Road I reach The Rose”

    If I ever get over there I’ll have a go at nicking one of their signs as that’s the name of my darling wife. I could hang it above the door to my man shed/pub (which, hopefully, will be finished by then!).

    “there’s a pocket park where you can imagine the good folk of Walkley congregating to celebrate the re-opening of pubs.”

    Quite the nice photo below.

    “decanted into my trust Bass glass”

    Trust as in it’s bequeathed to someone in your will? 😉

    “But really, it’s pubs, any pub, I’m missing.”

    Sigh, yep.


    PS – And with that I shall be sporadic with comments for the next few days. Our youngest and his g/f have arrived to pick up the 1982 RV they had my wife purchase on their behalf. We’ve had the engine and whatnot fixed up for them and they will spend the next few days cleaning the interior and getting the ownership transferred and the insurance sorted. They’ll then take a few days to go around the Island to make sure there is nothing wrong before they head back to Edmonton.

    Thoroughly enjoying having company again! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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