Back to my urban Sheffield walks, which I know you love so much.

My keenness to escape from the house can be explained by this photo of the living room;

Obviously I could drive into the Peak District in 5 minutes, hoping I’d then be stopped by Derbyshire Police so I could whine about it on Facebook, but why bother when I’ve the whole of industrial Sheffield on my doorstep !

You’ve had the pics of Kelham Island, the Wicker and Burngreave, if not inside the pubs (YET !).

Last night I took the A6178 before Burngreave and headed towards Attercliffe, past the classic design of Tesco Extra.

and the rather cute “Sheffield Steel” collage on the wall of Bristol Street Motors.

(Presumed) local Kevin recommends the Five Weirs Way, and as soon as Meadowhall is safe I’ll no doubt take his advice.

Obviously my main concern on these walks is to avoid bumping into people on my phones find you glorious old pubs with brown tiling and trees growing out the roof.

As you can see, not many of those, despite the motor trade and the tram stops and the obvious trade from Curious Kids Town.

But the views as sunset nears from the Don are a marvel.

Yes, a mixed area reminiscent of Tipton, replete with puns but bereft of pubs.

What Pub directs me past the tram stop at Hyde Park, and I see a rather gorgeous couple of pub up Cricket Inn Road, which sounds rather more bucolic than it is.

The Belle Vue is now a nursery, proving my point we’re putting children ahead of pubgoers these days,

and the lone survivor round here, Wybourn looks a little forlorn.

As usual, I can only find ONE mention of the Wybourn on t’internet, and it’s from the late, great Alan Winfield.

This is a locals pub” said Alan, in 2011. I think he liked it.

33 thoughts on “A BELLE VUE

  1. ā€˜This is a locals pubā€™ should have its own symbol in CAMRA guides, possibly even its own section away from the interesting but superfluous beer blather. What would it be though? A mobility scooter? Perhaps a fella in a flat cap propping up the bar, or a pair of majestically sozzled ladies singing karaoke…

    Liked by 3 people

      1. Well spotted! Of course the minute we define it, beer twitter will vehemently disagree and form a Campaign For Really Good Locals group or some such. Hmm! A further factionalised beer community! I like it Martin….

        Liked by 1 person

      1. The late, Peter Sellers – now there’s a blast from the past, and what a great impersonation of George Formby (with the odd added Goon noise) as well. Parky looks remarkably young, too!

        Liked by 2 people

      2. THAT’s what made Britain great – not twitching the curtains at the neighbours.

        It was more transformation than impersonation I’d say – uncanny.

        Gone way, way before his time alas.

        Liked by 3 people

      3. I had only really heard of George Formby for his ukulele but having seen him in a couple of old films recently realise he wasn’t a bad actor too.


  2. Did you head out on your walk to get out of helping with the decorating? Or does Mrs RM prefer you out of he way whilst she’s hard at work?

    Liked by 2 people

      1. “Three fire engines attended to extinguish the blaze, which was located in the front doorway of the pub” – but those using a pub at 4am aren’t likely to be familiar with the front doorway.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. “My keenness to escape from the house can be explained by this photo of the living room;”

    Pfft. In a few weeks you’ll be longing for the fact that the remote was that easy to find!

    “Obviously I could drive into the Peak District in 5 minutes, hoping Iā€™d then be stopped by Derbyshire Police so I could whine about it on Facebook”

    Was that those two ladies who drove for a bit before going for a walk?

    “past the classic design of Tesco Extra.”

    Is that actual handicapped ramps on the right or just an illusion?

    “find you glorious old pubs with brown tiling and trees growing out the roof.”

    Give it time.*
    * – or ever extended lockdowns šŸ˜‰

    “But the views as sunset nears from the Don are a marvel.”

    You’ll forgive me for reading ‘waking’ as ‘wanking’ on the bridge photo.
    (but the photo below that one is pretty nice)

    “Yes, a mixed area reminiscent of Tipton, replete with puns but bereft of pubs.”

    Frighteningly, in the photo below, most everyone seems to be in some sort of Hazmat!

    “The Belle Vue is now a nursery, proving my point weā€™re putting children ahead of pubgoers these days,”

    Forward to the future! As Stalin would have said.
    (also, it’s a bit leery that Belle Vue is the name of a famous mental hospital in the US)

    “ā€œThis is a locals pubā€ said Alan, in 2011. I think he liked it.”

    Classic! (thumbs up)


    Liked by 1 person

  4. You’d better not cross the boundary out of Sheffield Martin, as it looks like Derbyshire Police are continuing from where they left off, last year, with their heavy-handed approach to lock-down.

    How long before they bring out the blue dye again, and start altering the colour of local lakes? Also, imagine the outrage if a member of the public carried out such an act of vandalism.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, that was my reference at the top ! Luckily the media (possibly the police) are only interested if you’re plastered in make-up and inappropriately dressed to cross the road, let alone a rigorous walk.


  5. When I saw the title of this blog I assumed that you’d only walked as far as the closed pub near you in Walkley (directly opposite the Blind Monkey), but of course that no longer has a pub sign. (See my photos on Pubs Galore from 2010 when the sign was still in situ: https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubpictures/43059/ ) And of course you wouldn’t have only walked to the bottom of your road…

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Well, I suppose that if TM can turn Methodist chapels into carousing venues then it has to work the other way now and then.

        I’ve personally never dried my feet on a bar towel, mind.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Caption that photo.

      I’ll start : “Special Resolution No. 37 – That Paul Mudge of Stafford be invited to the Moon Under Water in Wolverhampton to formally open the Wetherspoons Museum, on condition that he wears a “Carling Drinker” T-shirt”


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