
There’s only really two view of Gosport that matter.

The view from the Spinnaker tower;

See the source image
Photo : yizhivika.com

and of course the view from one of the dozen or so back street green or brown tile boozers.

I didn’t get either on my flying visit, but I’ve still wrung THREE posts out of this trip. Which is top blogging.

Pubs, pubs, pubs

Gosport pubs were, coincidentally, in the news that week as a Village Home (Doom Bar) regular reported a positive test.  Luckily, it’s not in the GBG, despite sellling Doom Bar.

The High Street is “not without charm“, as I often say when lost for words.

Pasty shop

On my sole previous visit I’d caught the Portsmouth ferry at 8pm and stomped through a darkened main drag to the wonderful back streets.

It was no busier at 10.30am on Thursday. Surely the Spoons would be buzzin’ ?

No takers for the continental drinking in Gosport

Well, nope.

North London style Spoons, much reduced beer range

Very pleasant though.  If Spoons staff really hate their employer as much as Beer Twitter tells me then they’re putting on a fine mask.  I only stopped for coffee and bacon roll; I’d have used Coffee #1 but there’s no sit-down service yet, so Spoons is stealing a march.

Is Gosport the Andover of the south ?  Certainly it looked very under-pubbed. Is that a bad thing ? Discuss.

I walked west, taking in the majestic Cons Club (Fosters),


the dead Royal Arms,

Future.., perhaps not
More tiling

and the futuristic electronics store on Stoke Road.

Marvin the paranoid android

A quick right turn up Queen’s brings you to the eponymous hotel.


Look at the top photo and see 30 years of GBG entries under the same Landlord, and providing one of my best ever pub experiences a decade ago.

Five minutes away, the Junction looked almost as appealing. You could be in Freemantle (Southampton not Oz). Let’s hope these backstreet boozers get the trade now.

Another classic

I must come back here” I thought, perhaps too loudly for the bird that dumped its white/grey load on my well-worn blazer at that moment.  Needed to bung it anyway.


23 thoughts on “GOD’S PORT OF PROPER PUBS

  1. I used to assume that when a pub closed it would boost trade for those still open. Sadly I don’t think Under-pubbed = Busier Pubs, it just means you’re somewhere where the pubs are under-customered…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Are the coffee machines in Spoons working (all those germy fingers touching the screens ) or does the coffee get served from behind the bar ?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Germy machines. I press button with a tissue.

      But you get a clean cup at the bar for refulls.

      In fairness, Spoons have gone up a notch in cleanliness (just done my 5th in Selby).


    1. But is a town, such as Hereford or Banbury, with only one pub properly worth going to under-pubbed ?


  3. Loved this line: “The High Street is “not without charm“, as I often say when lost for words.”

    I know there is this idea in some circles that one should never write “not without” when they could just write “with.” But come on, there’s a subtle difference between those two, even if I can’t fully explain what it is! 😉


  4. If you don’t mind a bit of pedantry from the pictures on the black van it should be the Falling Acorn Brewery not the Fallen Acorn Brewery.

    Liked by 1 person

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