
So, the big Preston finale, the highlight of the trip for most of us.

How many pubs are better than the Black Horse at 7pm on Friday night ?

Black Horse

“That door ?”
“No, that one”

Though quite how anything can top the Plum Porter and John Smith’s Cask in the Market is an interesting question.

Matthew was recognised and greeted by pubgoing Prestonians for about the 12th time today. I’ve no idea how.

Diizy Blonde on new woke pumpclip – Hurrah we said
Not Pete’s Carling

I left them at the bar to dither, and went in search of cosy seating.

Beat that

A lovely young couple in the Smoke Room moved round to make space for us.

The wide age range of customers really makes the pub. An Old Boy in the other corner worked through two bottles of wine on his own. And why not ?

I’m guessing we all had Unicorn. And why not ?

That writing on the glass looks Japanese. What can it mean ?

Music from Prefab Sprout (Mark will ask what it was now) and the Pet Shop Boys (Mark will know already it was “It’s A Sin”). It was a magic hour.

The remains of the day

The young couple took their glasses back to the bar.

Kids today, taking their glasses back” said Old Mudgie.

I bought him another half. I’ve never seen him happier.

12 thoughts on “PRIDE OF PRESTON

      1. He’s known as Noddy. He’s a legend in the Black Horse. They see him coming in and they get his glass of ice and bottle of house white. No communication needed.

        Shocked me when I found out he was a taxi driver. Nearly knocked me over on Manchester Road once.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Ha! I’d like to deny I’d have asked which Prefab Sprout song it was, but by golly you are 100% correct. 🙂

    As for the Pet Shop Boys, never followed them very closely, though I gather they’ve gradually earned a lot of respect over the years compared to many of their peers. I quite liked a song of theirs from 2009 actually: “Beautiful People.”


      1. And a good pub quiz question is which record did they keep off the Christmas Number One spot with it ?
        Tbh that year I was stepping out with a young lady who worked for EM and when she played me the song in late summer I said to her ” Christmas Number One “

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I didn’t want to offend some of the delicate wallflowers on here.
        She loved the Pet Shop Boys.They always looked after her well at Christmas with some thoughtfully-chosen perfumes and girlie stuff as you’d expect from such men about town.
        And the record they kept off the Number One spot ?


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