November 2023. Euston.

Walking fast in London is an art form. Somehow I’d knocked that 42 minutes to reach the station down to 26 by the time the Euston Tap hove into view,

and while other options ARE available, this seemed a good time to make my triennial visit to the old classic. Particularly as I knew where the loos were.

Actually, I fancied doing the eastern block,

but that seems to be in a state of confusion about its role; cider house ? German beer garden ? Overflow seating ?

Anyway, it was closed, so stick to the original.

and remember not to take the stairs two steps at a time.

The chap at the bar had a pint of something stout like.

“Is that the Marble, mate ?”

After getting over the shock of being spoken to, and by a Northerner at that, he confirmed it was.

£4.90 ! For a quality 5.7% stout. Quite how they manage to produce it in Manchester and lug it down the M1 to sell at cheaper than it sells for in The North is one of life’s mysteries.

Cool, rich and smooth; a typical Euston Tap NBSS 3.5. Lacings never lie.

Sitting on that bench in the London night listening to Motown, it all made sense. If only I knew what “it” was.


  1. I was last in the Euston Tap a few minutes after Luton Town’s Wembley triumph in May: a pint of Redemption Trinity was £4.50. OK, so it’s an easy drinking 3.0% abv, but £4.50 is a remarkable price for London. I paid £5.10 and £5.70 in the Sheffield Tap last week – these were two beers from Orkney, which admittedly has rather more expensive transport considerations than Manchester, but even so…

    How do they do it? And maybe this is a coincidence, but my Redemption Trinity was also NBSS 3.5.

    Another coincidence: Redemption was a good name on a beer to celebrate the Hatters returning to the top division after all those years away. (OK, I’ll stop banging on about it soon.)

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      1. It’ll be like that scene in Dallas where Bobby Ewing comes out of the shower (this time played by Rob Edwards instead of Patrick Duffy) and reveals that I was only dreaming.

        Mind you, I’m a bit worried about either of those guys appearing in my dreams, or in my shower for that matter. What’s going on? VAR, Howard Webb, Retired Martin, anybody, please help me.

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      1. Had a dodgy spell (the drop in rail travel must have been a killer for their throughput) but the times been in this year it’s been busy again, getting back to the old days, and the beer condition markedly improved.

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      2. It’s easy to think that central London pubs must have no problem with turnover, but working patterns are all over the place, and of course 90% of trade isn’t cask anyway, even in the GBG pubs.


  2. Exactly my selection on way back from Bristol last Wednesday, Bear at Paddington followed by Euston Tap. Even chose same beer in the Tap. Didn’t walk between the two mind, it’s what the Tube is for: increasing drinking time.

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