Right, time for some of this…

April 2023.

This is the problem with having completed the Guide. I now feel it’s fine to be distracted from doing GBG23 (if I ever was) by the temptations of the past.

I mean, what’s the point of visiting Coventry if you don’t go the Cathedral Town Wall Tavern.

Tucked away behind my new micro tick and the Belgrade Theatre, it’s now surrounded by flashy new buildings, away from the crowd, and quite happy with that.

I reckon this is my first visit since I went in with Curry Charles (no relation to the king) about 10 years ago. Can that be possible. Really must catch up with Charles.

I was sure they served Bass. But where is it ?

I had a moment to ponder phoning the Wickingman to ask him as the barperson was otherwise engaged, probably putting Captain Beefheart on the jukebox. She suddenly appeared, as cheery and positive as young people inevitably are.

Have you got Bass ?

Of course !!!

Well, you don’t need four other pumps then, do you ?

Oh, there’s the sign, silly me.

Oh, and the mirrors, loads of them.

Bench seat under Dave Brubeck, perfect pint of cool, clean, rich Draught Bass.

If not a 5, it’s certainly NBSS 4.

And it’s heaven.

Particularly when the gents at the bar start talking high secure units and greeting fellow theatre lovies with “Enter Stage Left”.

Don’t shout” says our barperson.

He MADE me shout !“.

A Proper Pub, a Bass shrine, and they’ve even got the Manet painting on the wall. Possibly the original.

I need to come back and do Spon Street, down the bottom of this lane.

It’s been too long.


  1. Never fails to surprise me how many people have not mastered the art of taking photos of mirrors without getting your own reflection in them. Have you considered running a workshop on pub blogging now you’ve got so much free time?

    Cov’, one of my planned destinations, though at 4 hours and £26.50 rtn I may have to think laterally about this one.


  2. That won’t work, but Wigan Wallgate might – must go via Walkden.

    Tbh though @retiredmartin:

    If your train train gets delayed, you have the right to catch the next one.

    If you have split tickets, they are as one journey. The earlier getting delayed doesn’t invalidate the latter.


  3. My favourite Cov pub, I try to visit every week.

    Used to work in the city centre, and would go in most nights after work.

    Coventry is not blessed with many decent ale pubs in the centre, but this place, The Gatehouse, and Old Windmill are the go to venues.

    The newish micro Hops D’amour also deserves a visit, as it has some really good guest ales on.


  4. I used the Town Wall Tavern quite a few times over forty years ago but never noticed the Atkinsons trademark on the gable end.

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