What a day.

It takes a lot to bring a tear to the eye of cynical old retiredmartin. David Cameron resigning, Noel Edmonds’ Christmas Presents (Hollies episode), the Maria McKee comeback this year.

But I’ll confess I wept a bit at 6.31am this morning as Matron May Parsons, originally from the Phillipines, gave the first Covid vaccine to Margaret Keenan, originally from Enniskillen, in Coventry.

May, you’re an inspiration.

I really want to make it to the Philippines once we’ve all been vaccinated, and meet whoever it is who reads my posts there. Do they have Wetherspoons in Manila ?

They DID have a Spoons in Enniskillen, but I never made it to the Linen Hall before Tim Martin sold it and the staff were relieved of their obligation to say “Real ale is supposed to taste like that“.

And you know all about Coventry, enjoying its historic day. I wish I was in the Flying Standard Town Wall Tavern now, toasting May, Margaret and Pfizer with a pint of Bass.




  1. “May, you’re an inspiration.”

    In checking the photo below I see it may be quite some time before they get around to everyone else. The caption at the bottom says the second jab was given to William Shakespeare! 😉

    “I wish I was in the Flying Standard Town Wall Tavern now, toasting May, Margaret and Pfizer with a pint of Bass.”

    I’m sure you wish you were anywhere enjoying a pint of Bass. 🙂


    This is definitely the time of year when hope springs eternal.


    Liked by 1 person

  2. Well done, Martin. Your best post ever.

    I enjoy your jokes and your irreverence, and I can even tolerate your enjoyment of beers that are a long way past their glory days – after all, they’re your taste buds and this is your blog, so you can say what you want – but when it comes to something serious, you can certainly do what’s necessary. I’ve got to hand it to you.

    You dah man!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Coincidently I remembered the Town Wall Tavern earlier today as I got in there forty years ago when I knew a Coventry woman at about the time John Lennon was assassinated.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Yes indeed, and M&B Mild but the Town Wall also had Draught Bass, very unusual in having three beers, but most proper pubs shifted plenty of beer forty years ago.

        Liked by 2 people

  4. Sod the COVID vaccine, Coventry is the city which attempted to murder BRAPA. For that it must surely be the shame of Warwickshire.

    On a serious note, inserting a needle is a job that requires a very steady hand. To do that with the pressure of the occasion and the world’s media takes nerves of May steel.

    Liked by 1 person

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