Some thoughts on Gordons;

Great Gordons (Warning : Saville at the start)

Bad Gordons (Warning : Possibly the worst song you’ll ever hear)

Run-of-the-mill Gordons

Yes, another Peterborough edge-of-town dining pub. I spoil you, I really do.

At 2.30pm I seem to be the only customer, the school children having finished their pints of Stella and there being no Christmas parties from the Ortons (no relation to the Ozarks despite the water activities) or the Hospitals to boost December trade.

But that’s why I’m here, to save upmarket Greene King diners while you Tier 3 troublemakers can’t. It was either the Gordon or the Hungry Horse up near the PFI hospital, and I need to ration the excitement.

It’s not pubby, but it IS spotless and festive.

I’m greeted by a greeter called Grita, who escorts me on a tour of the pub (too quickly for pics) during which she explained the rules for the loo.

Actually, it turned out she was taking me to a table about 2 yards behind the entrance counter, via a half mile one way detour. I wasn’t complaining, tours of pubs are so much more interesting than tours of breweries.

Do you want to use the App, or would you like table service ?” . I dithered.

Can I just have the soup and get a beer ?”

Yes you can“. That would make a great slogan.

“OK, soup and a Rocking Rudolph please”

I’ll get the waitress to take your order” Job demarcation still rules in 2020.

I’d seen the Rudolph on the bar, but what had I foregone ? I checked the App;

Well, I’d missed nothing today, another one pump pub. But Stones Bitter ? Wow.

Never mind, the Rudolph is the BEST Christmas beer.

This was cool, rich, with a scummy head (NBSS 3.5+). I may leave tasting notes on the Gordon’s Trip Advisor page.

The tomato soup, in contrast, looked a little sad (NTSSS 2). Can’t people spread butter or is it something you leave to the discretion of the customer.

Another look at the App revealed I’d missed the salt and pepper squid, which is like missing Bass in a Greene King pub.

A couple more old folk came in, and we had an impromptu singalong as “Stop the Cavalry” came on. I’m sure it’s Old Mudgie’s favourite.

That was followed up by the disgustingly sexist “Baby It’s Cold Outside“, and your woke hero was forced to make a quick exit.

Except I couldn’t find anyone to pay, of course, so I stood up waving frantically. And you’re not allowed to stand up, are you ?

And then when I’d paid I couldn’t find the exit and had to walk round the pub twice before the helpful young man with nothing to do ushered me out the emergency exit.

Still, another pub saved for you to take your niece/mum/boss to in the New Year, when hopefully the Stones Bitter will be on and the Christmas music off.


  1. Would that have been the cask version of Stones Bitter, which local True North brewery were reported as recreating in March? I say reported, but I mean “reported” – see this article in the Yorkshire Post: https://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/heritage-and-retro/heritage/stones-bitter-goes-back-sale-sheffield-its-not-brew-you-remember-2447018.

    Apparently in the world inhabited by this journalist “the sulphur-like smell of fermenting hops wafted through the streets of north Sheffield” and only Stones and Tetleys were available, not Wards. “There was quite a lot of residual sugar – it was an early day Lucozade that would restore the salt that steel workers had lost.” “The new version, restored to its original strength, will go on sale at Sheffield’s Riverside Kelham pub from April 2 for a trial run.”

    Fermenting hops? Lost salts replaced by residual sugar? Sheffield’s Riverside Kelham pub? Ho hum.

    Thanks for the soup scoring. Is this a new feature?


    1. Sheffield Hatter,
      Oh dear.
      Stones Bitter “was an early day Lucozade” but Stones Bitter was first brewed by William Stones Ltd at the Cannon Brewery in Sheffield in 1948 some 21 years after Lucozade was first made in 1927.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Soup is fine as long as it’s a thick broth, or Cullen Skink.

    I’ve just realised Jilted John are pretty much contemporaneous with early Police, wonder if the lyrics were about Mr. Sumner?

    I always thought “Slide, do not pull” were wise words for any public laxatory.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. “and there being no Christmas parties”

    Sigh. A bit late, considering, but my wife did get an email from our local council telling her that Christmas catering for this year was “right out”!* As if we didn’t know already.**

    * – bit of Monty Python Holy Grail there. 😉

    ** – the catering kibosh applies to any catering of any kind until at least January 8th

    “I’m greeted by a greeter called Grita,”

    (slow golf clap)

    “during which she explained the ruled for the loo.”

    Rules, dear boy.

    Oh, and as for the rules on the Gent’s door in the photo below… ‘use your elbow’? Are they allowed to discriminate like that against thalidomiders?

    “That would make a great slogan.”

    Pfft. That is so, like, yesterday. 🙂

    “Never mind, the Rudolph is the BEST Christmas beer.”

    Are you sure you’re feeling well?

    “Can’t people spread butter or is it something you leave to the discretion of the customer.”

    That’s to prove they actually put some on. And was that soup evaporating as they brought it to you?

    “That was followed up by the disgustingly sexist “Baby It’s Cold Outside”, and your woke hero was forced to make a quick exit.”

    Blimey. You’re what Si will be in 20 years. 😉

    “And then when I’d paid I couldn’t find the exit and had to walk round the pub twice before the helpful young man with nothing to do ushered me out the emergency exit.”

    Is that when you took your photos? 🙂



      1. “Are rates held for 2021?”

        Sadly, due to these hard economic times, I’ve had to double them.

        So… that will be TWO Doom Bar when we meet. 🙂


        Liked by 1 person

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