
Reader “US” Dave asked for a tour of the campervan that I’m relying on to take me to the next level of GBG ticking.  Mrs RM insisted I show off her new toy.

This is the replacement for the motorhome that had served us well for 3 years but was proving increasingly difficult to navigate through Dorset lanes without destroying National Heritage pubs (joke, joke).


It held its value pretty well, considering, unless I cost in the 30 hours spent cleaning the exterior before we sold it back to those nice people in Newark.

The replacement, from Sussex Campervans in Horsham, is simply a modified white blue van with sink, fold-down bed and pop-up top for an extra passenger, here represented by “James”.

Model -artist’s own

Theoretically it could sleep 3, as long as none of you want to go to the loo in the night.  We’ve a chemical loo on board for folk still mastering the Shewee. (see also : Paul).

Mrs RM is working harder than ever while the rest of the nation dosses about in pubs, so I’m getting out on my own.

Mrs RM won’t be happy with this less than perfect shot

Ideally you’d stay one night free in a layby, then use a hotel the next night for showers, WiFi, etc.

My Search for Sites App reveals that the part of the UK with most free places to park overnight is (drum roll) Waterbeach. The orange markers are free spots, and therefore the ones we’re interested in.


Campervan spot 200 yards from our house

I’m heading slightly further afield.  Portsmouth 10 days ago, the Yorkshire Dales on Monday night.


This was the view from my window in the Hawes Cattle Market car park (free).


So that’s a saving on the chintzy B & B of c.£50, anyway.

I made sure I’d put the handbrake on, twice (don’t ask), and set off to tick Hawes.



10 thoughts on “CAMPERVANNING

      1. Drivability would be a huge factor for me. I’m always amazed to see the midsize motor homes on narrow English roads. I could not drive them in areas like that.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Thanks for doing this feature, and thanks to Dave for requesting it. Seems a great way of doing things, especially as these GBG ticks get farther afield and you don’t want to rack up any more hotel bills than absolutely necessary.

    Yes I’d imagine those older village streets weren’t designed for any so large as a motor home. I imagine there have been cases where someone thought they could squeeze the thing through and were proven spectacularly wrong!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You might be aware that old those medieval castle ruins (e.g. Purbeck, Kenilworth) are the result of over ambitious motorhome drivers from the home counties.

      Some of these small towns such as Seaham where I am RIGHT NOW, don’t have lots of bargain accommodation and the camper is very cosy.

      Seaham Hall is only £295.


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