
March 2020

Before I start, Thank you NHS.

Image result for proud of nhs badges

Nine days without a pub and counting. How high can I even count ?

The isolation isn’t the worst thing. It’s Mrs RM continually asking;

“Are you going mad ?”

“I’m fine”

“I bet you’re not. I bet you’re going mad” etc etc

Me and Mrs RM in casual wear at home in Waterbeach

Really, I’m fine. I boosted our milk deliveries just before they closed to new customers and I’m about to pop the extras round to old folk.

And Mrs RM has given me a To Do list.


Not quite “Phone Herefordshire micro to confirm opening hours“, is it ?

My travel is, quite rightly, confined to a single hour of exercise a day, far less than the three I’ve been getting since retirement.

How far can you go in an hour in Waterbeach ?


Down past the school to Bottisham Lock, along the river, through the pocket park at the station and home. That’s how far.

No traffic on the Cam
Waterbeach’s only tourist attraction. Apart from my parents’ thatched house.

You could walk further if you didn’t have to keep stopping to give dog walkers aa wide berth. Those pooches must be going mad.

Bottisham Lock

The masses are gathered at the bridge at Clayhithe (pop. 7), home to the Cam Conservators and a Chef & Brewer that lies forlorn in the March sun.

Nice house
Had fantastic beer here in November

In the pocket forest a Mum is playing the troll to her children’s billy goats at the little bridge, so I took the long way toward the station (extra 12 seconds).


The station car park is less busy now, anyway. Clearly no-one essential ever used it before. (Joking, it’s not a train journey you’d take currently).


Station Road has a dead pub (the Star), some blossom, and a house with a 1980s glam pop motif on the wall that needs some explanation.

More blossom
What is this
No. 1 Sunnyside

Mrs RM was clocking my journey. “Five minutes more and you’d have been in trouble”.

There’s probably drones over Waterbeach timing our walks.

I returned to the To Do List.


What is grouting ?

PS In other news I can only type the letter “a” by tilting the keyboard at a 15 degree angle.

31 thoughts on “HOW FAR CAN I WALK IN AN HOUR ?

  1. I know you are probably going mad…..but your blogs are such a tonic – with or without the beer, pubs, pot plants and BRAPA baiting….. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Pretty obvious who has cleaned the ensuite in the past. Not sure if it was the beautiful sunlight, but that may be the most scenic local walk you’ve posted.


  2. Glad to see Mrs RM is keeping you busy!
    As for an hour of exercise, is anyone seriously counting – apart from yourself? Also, if you’re out in the open, far from the madding crowd, as it were, what risk could there possibly be to you or anyone else?


  3. My husband cleans the shower but the grouting is beyond him . .I am thinking about attending to this myself at some stage once I have read the Internet & re arranged my cupboards. Loved the photos today -it looks lovely where you live -you are very lucky !

    Liked by 1 person

    1. This becoming a delight – never heard of Whapweasel before…..listening now on the accursed Apple Music….. very enjoyable….not too frightening either, you know maypole dancers and all that….

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Glad you like it -i’m not a huge “folkie ” but there are a few bands we like -I chose Whapweasel because Saul Rose is in it & he is also in Faustus -try them if you don’t know them -we are big fans

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Tip it upside down and give it a good shake…you’ve probably got a crumb stuck in it (keyboard)..

    …one of the hazards of having to use your home computer more often…:)


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