The plan after Swalwell had been to jump off in Chester-le-Street and tick the irritating Masonic Club with its 7.30pm opening and initiation rules.

But some trains from Newcastle neglect C-l-S, pronounced Le Street, and I cut my losses at 10.

Durham is marvellous, isn’t it?

My niece’s boyfriend is doing a Post Grad there, but like the rest of the students he’s finished and left town, so I couldn’t buy him a Bass in the Half Moon.

Even worse, the chip shop in the market square was shut.

The Market wasn’t though.

A belter of a town pub in a city where pubs are sometimes better than beer quality outside of term time.

The Market may be Greene King but the Double Maxim lives on, a rich vinuous drop (3.5, again).

Last time here Mrs RM found the “6pm swearing” a bit too much and walked out, but tonight was just the right side of lively.

Just time to admire Britain’s worst High Street.

Unspeakably ugly

Back at the Shoes I eschewed (see what I did there) a sensibly chosen beer, and slept the sleep of Bishops (Durham).

One is plenty

But it’s the breakfast you’ll be wanting to see, isn’t it?


  1. Nice to see the beans in a separate pot. (Hate beans). Seriously, that place was £18-odd a night including breakfast?! Durham OK for pubs but not as good as Berwick.


    1. Bill,
      That might be how the beans have come out of the microwave and they couldn’t be bothered to put them out on the plate.
      £18 might be because there’s only one sausage. They’re more generous in the Lost Dene.


      1. I suspect the reason it isn’t in the GBG is that no one from the branch goes in, and those from elsewhere that do spend more time talking about breakfast quality than beer quality 😉 If I get chance I will do my duty and head up to Gilesgate and try the beer, in the hope that it’s a different cask by then! It’s been a long time since I was in the Market Tavern but glad to hear the Double Maxim is still available and on form.

        We’d be very happy to receive your NBSS scores via WhatPub? (or the GBG app, assuming that’s what Mrs RM got you for Christmas) for the places you visited whilst up here – the visitor’s perspective is very important to us, unlike some branches…


      2. I’ll be doing the NBSS scores on Boxing Day Chris. It’s what 26 December was invented for. I’ve just remembered the second beer I had at yours was the North Riding Stout (?) – definite 4.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. ‘Twas their Porter we had on, a rare + unflavoured one – but you can trust North Riding any time, can’t you!? (Except the Banoffee one – belugh!)

        Liked by 1 person

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