
Go on. Guess the beer at the foot of the photo.

I caught up with the Beer & Pubs Posse at the Old Vic.  Instinctive I want to add an “e”, but it’s not that sort of boozer.


Forget Spoons, this is the real drinkers pub; its City Arms, or Hare & Hounds, or Railway.

A good selection of BBBs at bargain prices (in my world anyway), and  I’m sure Pub Curmudgeon has the detail in his excellent report.

With a sleepless night behind me and in recovery from Paisley, I was pacing myself.

And who could resist the Heineken 0.0 in its futuristic styling ?

Ban the CAMRA traitor !

I got some looks, I can tell you.

Not really, no-one care what you drink.  Two years on from praising the Carlsberg Export on this blog, I can tell you Heineken 0.0 is alright, but not in a Supergrass sense.

Anyway, you didn’t come here to look at Heineken, you came to see Matthew’s shirt.

More stylish than BRAPA

We must have spent 40 minutes here.  Good bench seating, a blokey atmosphere akin to the Half Moon, Rugby, and the deep joy of seeing England compile a huge total against the grovelling Aussies.

20/3 I think, when we left.

19 thoughts on “A SOBER START IN THE OLD VIC

  1. I’m impressed with Matthew’s shirt. I haven’t seen one like that since the days of flower power, circa 1967.
    I wonder where he purchased it?


  2. Saw one of those Heinie robots on the bar at the Wheel in Oadby last week and just assumed it made slushies or something. The barmaid in the Railway Belper put me straight, quite popular she said, and looks much better on the bar back than fly-tip’d out front. I’ll leave it I think…


  3. Ah, when you said “recovery from Paisley” you meant from the shirt?

    Actually, I’ve got a couple of Pretty Green ones myself…


  4. As I said in my write-up, during that lunchtime England were losing about three wickets per pub. By the time we got to the Blue Bell they were all out. The Old Vic was your classic bustling city boozer with a varied clientele.

    It still gibs a bit calling Preston a city, though. It’s not really any more city-like than Bolton or Stockport.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. “Instinctive I want to add an “e”, but it’s not that sort of boozer
    Yes, a perfectly respectable pub so The Old Vice wouldn’t be appropriate.

    Liked by 3 people

      1. If I’d realised the 10am weekday opening before that day I’d have moved on from Tim’s Grey Friar half an hour earlier.


  6. I must have missed that one where you ordered the Carlsberg Export– thanks for linking to it. Though I don’t turn my nose up at the old “standard” lagers when it’s all that’s available, I have always found the taste of Heineken a little odd. I should give it another try some time and see if my tastes have changed.

    I think standard lagers can be a nice accompaniment to a meal, as by their very nature they take more of a supporting role and let the food be the star.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I tried all the non alcoholic stuff in spoons the other week. The Heineken was probably the best. Do not go anywhere near the Budweiser. (NNABSS 0.5) Nanny State and Ghost Ship just taste watered down really.

    Liked by 1 person

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