
If Greater Manchester can claim Stockport from Cheshire, surely Stockport can claim Levenshulme ? Pub Curmudgeon will advise on local politics.  Anyway it’s in their branch, a stone’s throw from Britain’s top pub town (says I).


Plenty of exciting debate on Discourse, the CAMRA forum, about inadequate Beer Guide allocations at the moment.  All I’ll say today is that Stockport and South Manchester consistently gets my highest beer scores, and new entries like Fred’s Ale House (half an NBSS point for correct use of the apostrophe) maintains that standard.


Mrs RM and I popped in for a coffee and a tick after IndyMan, perhaps not in the best state to do it justice.

Despite some gorgeous tiling, Fred’s will look like a bit “sports bar” to some.



But we loved the open design, local art and views on to the A6.

Not sure how after IndyMan, but I managed a pint of the Blackjack Polaris that was superb (NBSS 4) first out the pumps at 4pm opening time. As good as their beer in the Smithfield or the Altrincham market.


Equally good HOT black coffee as well. And only £5.50 for a top pint, coffee and crisps. We might retire here if Preston or Stockport get too gentrified.

But never mind all that, the jukebox is the star here. The best selection of retiredmartin approved Americana seen anywhere. Mrs RM made me leave just before I started singing along with Car Seat Headrest.  This is a respectable bar.







  1. With a handful of pubby exceptions (Blue Bell as well) it must be said that Levenshulme is hardly the most salubrious of districts. Frankly, we don’t want it 😛

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I had done all pubs in Levenshulme before that one opened,not posh at all and i thought pretty down to earth like the majority of Manchesters suburbs.
      It is up the A6 from Stockport,but not in it,i think you are trying to wind people up who live in Stockport,Martin.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. “like Fred’s Ale House (half an NBSS point for correct use of the apostrophe)”

    Unless there were two blokes named Fred running the pub, then it would be wrong. 😉


    Liked by 1 person

      1. I would never slag off Bass, or slag off possessive apostrophes; so it must have been for being Canadian.

        We’re such a meek bunch we get that all the time. 🙂


        Liked by 1 person

    1. Rusto, unless I am missing something, if multiple Freds were running the pub, then the apostrophe would come after the s. Assuming there is only one Fred, it appears correct to me. However, the bonus half point should be deducted for the lack of capital F at the start of Fred’s name on the sign. Deplorable.


      1. You tell ’em, Tom.

        I had an enquiry about the state of your blog. I did say I’d take it over and rebrand the railway stations as train stations if that was helpful.


  3. I always thought Greater Manchester was a bit pretentious. You can just see them plotting,’ I know, lets round up every town within 20 miles of the city centre and call it Greater Manchester!’ That sounds a bit like Greater London doesn’t it?’ ‘Exactly!’

    There was no account for the proud heritage of the many satellite towns and their Corporations which all instantly became, ‘just a small town near Manchester’. Despite the fact much of the area is in the fine county of Cheshire. One must suppose that’s because many Mancunians have always aspired to escape to Cheshire?

    Over here in GOC we formed a new county. Can you imagine the uproar if fine independent town and cities with proud heritages like Bradford, Wakey, Castleford, Dewsbury, and the whole of Cleckhuddersfax were to be roped into Greater Leeds (which is much bigger than Manchester incidentally). Morley famously had a rebellion against being in Leeds and are represented by Morley Independent Borough Councillors on LCC.

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  4. Surely West Yorkshire isn’t a new county as such, just a reduced version of the West Riding. South Yorkshire being the new county. Why was South Yorkshire formed? I’d ashamed to say I don’t really know the history of this – was it just central government meddling or a Sheffield based breakaway from L**ds domination?

    Stockport is a town in Cheshire, Lev is a town in Lancashire. Lev being closer to Manchester than Stockport is, but closer to Stockport than Manc and contained in neither.

    East, East, East Yorkshire

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      1. Apologies for coming late to his. There is of course no Fred running Fred’s Ale House. It is so called because it used to be a branch of the Betfred bookmakers (run by Fred Done and his brother).

        Levenshulme was a separate township and only became part of Manchester in 1909. The former town hall is now the “Antiques Village”.


    1. South Yorkshire was formed on the 1st April 1974,and that is not a joke.
      I was lucky to visit Sheffield on the 2nd June 1983 and use the South Yorkshire bus service,the maximum fare was 8 new pence to Doncaster and trips within Sheffield were 2 new pence,i know because i paid that price when there.
      South Yorkshire was a massive problem to that horrible women who i can not type without feeling sick,she got fed up with all the strikes and the like and disbanded its way of running the council along with Greater London,i thought it quite funny but also sad to see the unemployment figures that Ken Livingstone put on London’s town Hall.


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