June 2024. Sheffield.

It’s 5 years ago we lost Richard Coldwell, a mainstay of many a pub crawl in the early years of this blog.

Richard wasn’t a great fan of Burton’s beers, but would have had intelligent things to say about the Thornbridge “saving” of the Burton Unions this year.

You’ll know I couldn’t care less about history or the brewing process, and argue the quality of the publican is by far the biggest determinant of the quality of the beer in your glass (see : the improvement of Bass in the hands of a smaller number of committed landlords).

On Saturday, back in Sheff from Italy, I thought I’d better taste the new Jaipur at my nearest Thornbridge pub,

the Hallamshire House being just the sort of stiff uphill 20 minute walk you need to get a thirst as the sun finally peeped through..

Back in the GBG again this year,

the Hallamshire is in the heart of Upperthorpe’s student quarter (or was until students started heading to modern purpose built flats in the centre),

and most students were clearly less interested in Portugal v Turkey than sunning themselves in the beer garden.

That first pint of Jaipur Union was quite a shock; incredibly soft and chewy™, an NBSS 3.5 that would have reached a 4 if a degree cooler.

I’ve hardly watched a minute of the football this June, but the pub exploded into communal life with Turkey’s comical own goal, the same way everyone cheers a smashed glass (except in a Sam Smiths pub, obvs).

I stayed for a rapid second, (a bad idea, right at 5.9%), almost as good as the first, and never for a moment wondered about Unions, or provenance, or “bright” beer or the things that CAMRA Discourse concerns itself with.

Actually, my main takeaway was how wonderful cask can be, and what a superb advert for Thornbridge the young barman/manager is, cheerily engaging me in chat about beer and pubs and weather.

Such a joy when young folk start conversations with Old Codgers like me, it really is.

My other great takeaway was from Sang Lung that night.

13 thoughts on “JAIPUR FROM THE UNIONS

  1. Back on home turf then. I don’t fly, so it’s nicer reading about places I may visit.

    Jaipur has to be the UK beer of the century so far.

    I still recall the day, at least 12 years ago, when I’d had a three week spell off the beer. Walked into the Grove, Huddersfield and ordered a Jaipur. It was like being a schoolboy again. You don’t really get new (pleasant) experiences in your 30s.

    Like you, so long as the beer tastes good, I don’t really care how it is served. That debate it is for the trainspotter class. (Autovac, tbc)

    ps. Bass was good in Yarm yesterday. As a Stockton dweller I must admit I prefer it normal rather than banked.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. After listening to another neighbor complaining about young people the other night, I concluded young people are nicer to us than we seem to be to them. And from what I can tell they have more that they could actually complain about.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. i like these discussions.

      I’m 41 which puts me right in the middle of cask and craft. Cash or card.

      youngsters these days are very polite and well demeanoured.

      there is going to be a resentment against the way things are by those who don’t inherit a house in the next 10/20 years.

      Liked by 1 person

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