More Greater Waterbeach news. The Taps is back.

June 2024. Waterbeach.

First up, let’s pause to pray for BRAPA’s liver as he recovers from 49 pints in a week in Devon.

Good to see him taking a well-earned rest this morning…


Back in Waterbeach, we have pub news.

The Taps ? Sounds exciting.

Actually there’s two actual brewery taps on the famous Denny end run, but this Tap is a basic but cheery Pub Co place opposite the old barracks that closed before Christmas, and I did wonder whether it would re-open before Waterbeach achieves city status in 2025 2032 2036.

But, despite that worrying Stonegate “Take on your local” sign,

As you’ll know, I’d attend the opening of an envelope, and Mrs RM didn’t need any persuading to escape the confines of Mum and Dad’s cottage, either. Much interest in the village centred on the colour scheme;

Oooh, a buffet.

Perhaps the buffet had drawn the crowds, perhaps the sun, perhaps family well-wishers; I’ve rarely seen a pub so packed. Loads of children in the outside play area, hence these photos are a bit tentative.

It certainly wasn’t the cutting-edge beer range drawing the crowds,

a lone Wherry largely ignored.

The other chap at the bar asked for 3 pints of water, which seemed a liberty till I saw his bottle of wine in an ice bucket arriving.

The beer was flowing so much the glass was replaced with plastic as I reached the bar, so don’t read too much into my saying the Wherry was OK and the Neck Oil was cold.

What did impress us a lot was the new owner popping over to introduce himself, be interrogated over future plans for real ales by Mrs RM, and outline his plans for Indian food.

Well, that looks interesting when it arrives. For now, you’ll have to make do with the fish and chips next door at the Beach Fryer.

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