So, where is Mrs RM going NOW ?

May 2024. ???

Back in Sheffield from Albania one (1) day and I hear a whoop of joy from Mrs RM downstairs. Surely she hasn’t found the secret stash of Star Bars ?

No, she’s found a bargain itinerary for a new and epic journey, leaving Sheffield tomorrow. On her own.

Don’t you mind me going on my own ?“. (No-one on Mumsnet is allowed to go anywhere without male supervision).

No“. I’ve got funerals to take Mum and Dad too, and the journey sounds “challenging”. Note, it’s not Bracknell.

Tram to Meadowhall. Then a long bus south. Then a pub, a new one to me;

Note no Abbott but the Tim T is excellent“,

texts Mrs RM, who never scores beer and has long given up in Untappd.

Then a long bus journey, and a bar where folk are drinking beer at am.

Then another long bus journey, and some nice views,

to a place with beer from Bedford,

and an obsession with Rugby (Union, the wrong code).

And then another long bus journey to a place devoid of beer interest but a decent sausage.

And then a Mrs RM tick. Oh, and she just wrote “So today I took a ride on a minotaur and a sparrow ate my croissant“.

I don’t know; I reckon “minotaur” is the giveaway there.

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