“Haven’t you had enough ?”

April 2024. St. Albans.

I could do with an app that monitors your intake, adjusts for ABV and tippage into pot plants, and sends a message saying “STOP. NOW !”.

Instead I have Mrs RM, who arrested my detour out of St Albans Spoons towards a giant McMullen pub next door,

and headed me back towards our campervan (even though she had no clue where it was).

St Albans had been quite boisterous as 11pm came and went that Thursday,

but even in 24 hour Britain most pubs were now closed bar the Spoons, which made the opening hours of the White Swan even more alluring.

I wandered towards it, remembering how rarely I go in a pub with a bouncer outside.

I’d nodded to the bouncer, stepped inside and noted Pride and Adnams, thought of the joy I’d bring my readers with tales of late night cask debauchery, but just then,

“Haven’t you had enough”

And I had. And so has Mrs RM.

So we waddled down lovely Fishpool and St Michael’s Streets,

pausing only briefly to see what we’d missed.

Blimey that Six Bells is gorgeous.

6 thoughts on ““Haven’t you had enough ?”

    1. That’s been my experience too. It works as a kind of filter I suppose, to ensure that your customers will, in general, be the sort of people who quite expect there to be bouncers wherever they go.

      The words “prophecy” and “self-fulfilling” spring to mind.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I always assumed it was a licencing condition, having seen some quite sedate venues with them quite early in the evening in weekends.


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