February 2024. Cambridge.

On the move, so short posts for a while.

Mum and Dad tend to have a post-lunch snooze before The Chase, the highlight of the day, which is when I nip out for the 15,000-20,000 steps I need or else I’ll seize up completely.

Mrs RM bought me a quiz trail of Cambridge to do one these enforced walks round my home town, and although they seem to be aimed at 9 year olds I’m still as chuffed as I ever was to actually work the clues out.

I actually thought I’d do a bit of cultural tourism in my home town too,

but to be honest the Cambridge museums are prime examples of how not to make an exhibition of old bones child (or 59 year old friendly).

Cambridge doesn’t do “cutting-edge”; this is the pick of the cultural offer;

Those fliers are next to Great St Mary’s, the University church, home to a thrilling tower climb (not really) and my first clue, the finding of which involved me staring at clocks for 5 minutes before realising I was being misled,

and then pestering some actual 9 year old standing at the actual map I needed to consult.

“Are you OK ?” said the mum, a bit like you would to a deranged Mr Banks in Mary Poppins.

A second set of clues came from the Guildhall door,

and by this time I needed a pint to celebrate.

Yes, in a Cambridge tourist pub.

The Bath House ?

Nope, smelt of chips.

The Eagle, where DNA was discovered, or possibly invented ?

That couple were the only tourists not trying to bag a table on a damp February afternoon. Were they here for the DNA, or the American airman’s graffiti, or the cutting-edge beer range ?

Your guess.


  1. There’s something quite satisfying about doing well at something aimed at nine year olds. When he was about 20, Spike Milligan entered a competition in some comic aimed at 9-10 year olds. He came second and won a Mickey Mouse watch which he wore through WW2.

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