5th February 2023.

Yes, Sunday last (or is it “Sunday before last” ?). I’d left Jim B to tick Chapeltown and was heading home after an afternoon of cask delights in southern Sheffield.

The important thing at this point is NOT to get distracted by the bright lights radiating from the Globe, the cheap student pub across the road from the station that no-one believes sells cask.

What Pub claims the Globe sells exciting beers like Thornbridge and Bradfield, but last month there was a sign outside advertising Doom Bar for £2.05 (that 5p had just been added on), so as I stood at the bar admiring the Agueroooooo sticker,

I’d counted out my two hundred and five pence, just like you’d expect the oldest bloke (by 35 years) to do, only to find it was now £3.35 and I’d have to upset the moths (sorry, Duncan) in my purse for an extra £1.30.

To make matters worse, ‘arry Kane (“ees no good“) had just scored his inevitable goal against a City side doing their inevitable capitulation job at Spurs, to absolutely no interest from anyone in a packed pub.

But look; the Doom Bar was magnificent, cool, crisp, chewy etc etc. NBSS 4, marginally beer of the day ahead of the Plum Porter in the White Lion. I know you think this is a running joke about the Doom but I never lie about beer quality, it’s too important for that. No idea why it was so good, though there’s a Cask Marque sticker in the window; just turnover and clean lines I guess.

If any CAMRA members coming to the AGM want to visit the Globe with me and taste the Doom and admire the football stickers, you know where I am.

NB: No, this ISN’T in the Good Beer Guide, in case you wondered !


  1. I’m filling up reading these latest posts. So many years of enforced halves, now you can appreciate why so many of us simply love pints of beer. Top tip though, on no account attempt a dimpled jug until your poor pitiful atrophied hand muscles have fully recovered their full pint-strength.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I popped into a local chain dining pub yesterday afternoon and the single cask beer on was Doom Bar. I know as a CAMRA member I should have sampled it, but as the only customer in a deserted cavernous bar, and having waited a while for a teenage staff member to appear (presumably after spotting me on CCTV), who then predictably disappeared after serving me, I decided to swerve it rather than risk a dodgy pint which I’d struggle to return, and being on trend had half a Guinness: it was the normal rather than Extra Cold version and was actually, as the late Alan Winfield would have said, a decent drink.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Matthew,
      I don’t bother with the vouchers and last week paid £2.25 for a decent pint of Doom Bar in a Stonegate pub. I was the only cask beer and I think I was the only one drinking it.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I liked the Globe, and used to spend a fair bit of time there a decade or so back.

    The cask back then was Fuller’s Pride, and it was – to your typical pint of that – as you found the DB to its.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. But I’d rather have a quiet life at my age.

        Back to the Globe, I remember when it shifted vast volumes of Stones Best Bitter and was surrounded by buildings of a similar age. I’m not sure that Sheffield is changing for the better.


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