Life has slowed to a crawl here. I’ll be constructing a blogpost about Mrs RM’s dentistry next, and last night I “saved up” my days highlight – taking the green bin out.

Life moves faster in my mystery pub;

Public urination ? Has BRAPA been here ? Well yes, I drove him to the town*, losing a shoot-out with Megan (not that one) for Simon’s favour, but this pub had long since dropped out of the Guide. I think he’d have loved it;

Where’s this place ?

Some of you will put the aerial view into one of those fancy internet engines or try to make out the letters in the top north-east corner, I guess.

While purists will note that the area above celebrates a famous Richard‘s 81* against Glamorgan in 1959. A famous Derek is commemorated nearby.

Famously the town once had TOO many pubs and had to become quite creative with names, but our mystery boozer has a solid moniker, albeit one to strike fear in the heart of Mrs RM, who you can (probably) see being stared at in the top photo.

Blokes wearing caps indoors, bench seating, pewter on the shelves, Bombardier on the bar, Beyonce on the jukebox.

Oh, and babes in arms and suited gentlefolk. A Proper Pub.

The bear ? It’s the only reason you come here.

*BRAPA might struggle to get here by train as the railway station has a different name to the one on the Navigator.

31 thoughts on “GUESS THE PUB BEARS ALL

  1. Congleton is known as Beartown, and Dover had its excessive number of pubs reduced by Act of Parliament.

    It’s neither of those though – I found the pub the plodder’s way, but can’t settle the Richard and Derek clues either.


  2. And the answers are;
    The Black Bull in Whittlesey, or Whittlesea as the railway station has it.
    I gave BRAPA a lift here in 2019 when he visited the George;

    The famous Richard is Dicky Bird (“Bird’s Hundred” is that extract, just west of the B1040).
    Just below is (Derek) Underwood’s Grounds; normally Canterbury.

    And of course, you come here for the Straw Bear Festival, which is unmissable.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I reckon you should cry foul, Will, and get this whole Guess the Pub declared null and void. It would mean that Mudgie didn’t win his Doom Bar, but then he didn’t actually say the answer anyway, just “I’ve got it”, which is true of all of us.

        I do hope you don’t consider this time wasted.



    I have to go for a quick lie down.
    (oh wait; you said ‘bears’ not ‘bares’) 🙂

    “I’ll be constructing a blogpost about Mrs RM’s dentistry next”

    Ah, that rings a bell now. Your dentist is above or below a takeaway or some such? 😉

    “and last night I “saved up” my days highlight – taking the green bin out.”

    Do you also have the blue and grey bins?

    “Public urination ? Has BRAPA been here ? ”

    I thought he only did that at train stations?

    “Where’s this place ?”

    For some reason I can’t lean over and peer around the right hand side, just after ‘THE’.

    “and had to become quite creative with names”

    You mean like the Red Lion and the Old Red Lion?

    “but our mystery boozer has a solid moniker, albeit one to strike fear in the heart of Mrs RM”

    Nothing over 4%?

    “The bear ? It’s the only reason you come here.”

    From the photo above I was going to say it’s the Green Man, but then realised he’s white on the sign.


    Liked by 1 person

      1. In Stafford the bins are blue for tins, bottles and plastic and green for unrecyclable rubbish, and there’s a blue bag for paper and cardboard.
        From this year we pay £36 extra for the fortnightly brown bin collections of garden waste.


      2. In Ashford we have green bins for all recycling (paper, tins, glass, hard plastic, aluminium) and grey bins for non-recyclable waste which goes to an incinerator. You can pay extra for a brown bin for garden waste. We also have a small caddy for food waste which is composted.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. My understanding is that councils are generally forced to outsource their recycling, and to take whichever quote from a local operator.

        It is these companies which dictate how many bins and of what colour they are, along with other particulars.

        We could have different laws.


      4. For what it’s worth the municipalities over here can be quite different.

        Where my Mom used to live, she had a regular garbage container (provided by the city as they only need a driver who picks it up and dumps it behind him), a blue bin for recyclables, a green bin for garden waste and a grey bin for food waste.

        Where I live we are allowed to put out one garbage bin (maximum 80 litres or 44lbs). Any more than that and you need to get a tag from the city for $2.50 to put on any extra containers, which they then rip off so you can’t re-use it. We have a blue bin for recyclables (but no glass! – any glass in either the regular garbage or the blue bin and they won’t take it). Plus we have unlimited garden waste pickup from early spring till late fall.



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