
Back at Crewe station at 7pm,  I really should have gone to bed with a Chinese takeaway after that mammoth Stafford session.

But that’s not how life works, is it ?

Your Pilates law

“Oooh, I wonder what’s in Crewe”

“You know exactly what’s in Crewe, retiredmartin. Hops and Borough Arms, same as every year since 2004″

“Yeah, but”

And ten minutes later I was in the High Street*, staring at the year’s unlikeliest looking craft beer bar.



Beer Dock Tap 40 is  the most bare boards of bare boards operations, intentionally or otherwise.

What private hell have I stumbled on

Beer Dock has a bottle shop on sort-of-trendy Nantwich Road, but here on Crewe High Street we have authentic “craft”.

Yes, folks, these are pint prices.


I’m not daft,that Cloudwater is cheaper than their tap in the red light area of Manchester

Pure Bobbins, please

It’s gorgeous, but is there a pub here ?

“Great outdoor balcony with bench seating which encourages real conversation” says WhatPub.

A stunning view from the balcony, certainly.


Hello. Why are you here ?”  I ask the two geezers in the top photo, to test the conversation promise.

One chap went off to the bar to buy more drink; the other told me about his day in Thetford (BRAPA potential) and the revitalisation of Crewe.

The revitalisation of Crewe. Ha !” I thought, sipping my Cloudwater cherry cola sour.


*I use the term High Street loosely.



10 thoughts on “NOW, EVEN CREWE GOES CRAFT

  1. Retired Martin? Gaw blimey what a giraffe! He’s still a saucepan lid!
    At least he ain’t been on no buses today. Make him come over all ginger beer, he says.
    He’s a diamond geezer mind, always keeps his minces peeled for a classy little rub-a-dub-dub.
    Anyway, mind how you go me old chinas.
    And take it easy with all those new-fangled Germaine Greers.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That looks a bit like the Beer Dock that nearly two years ago t’other Martin famously thought was much nicer than the Hop Pole.


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