
Sorry, Rupert, No classic poetry is safe when I need a blog title.

Having reported from the area in Lincolnshire where national treasure Jeffrey Archer was incarcerated in 2001, here’s his current, rather more attractive abode. That’s Rupert Brooke in the courtyard (see here).


All proper Cambridgians make the walk out from Newnham to Grantchester at least once a year, treating it as the sort of adventure Lancastrians have when they walk from Preston to the Trough of Bowland.

If you needed any evidence as to why Pink Floyd are so good, remember they wrote a song about Grantchester Meadows that made it sound menacing.


Most undergrads trudge out here for scones (pronounced scones) on Sunday; I did it to see what the Blue Ball is up to under new ownership.

In years past this most traditional of Cambridge village pubs would have been packing up at 10 to 3. I was pleased but surprised Paul Bailey managed to get fed and watered last year (charming report here).

But the Blue Ball bucks the trend by increasing its weekday opening hours, and seems to have the local trade in as a reward for its enterprise.

Blue Ball

It feels unchanged, which is just as well since it’s on the CAMRA Pub Heritage list. Perhaps a bit more food trade in one room, but that still feels low-key.


NOT used for Cockney sing-a-longs

Pleasingly, the beer range is also untouched. You’ll have to pop down the road for your modern stuff like Oakham or meet your craving for GK IPA.

Proper beer range

A calming atmosphere pervades, the soundtrack of mellow 1940s big band music matching the decade most of the locals in here were born.

Grantchester life

The cool, foamy Adnams was certainly Beer Guide standard, if not quite as good as Paul’s pint a year ago. The Blue Ball would be in the GBG in any branch north of Manchester.


But what about the hand cleansing products in the Gents ?, I hear you ask.



    1. Russ is well off the pace. Bet he’s sleeping or summat.

      Recent posts really suffering from lack of a mouse, something about connectivity to the portal, says 16 year old who really ought to get a life. I actually changed that Newhnam and Jeffrey but couldn’t save changes due to fat fingers etc etc. Bloggers life is hard.

      Bizarrely, am off to Newham tonight, though not to see Geoffrey Archer.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. “Now there’s a walk I’ve never done….from the London Borough to Grantchester. đŸ˜‚ Beats Russ to the trigger.”

      Tsk, tsk. Observant readers will know I usually don’t get on to peruse until 7pm UK time (11am where I live, which happily coincides with opening hours at casa Russtovich for a beer). đŸ™‚

      However for the next few weeks I doubt I’ll be on until gone 9pm UK time. My wife is currently in hospital recovering from two major surgeries (in two different hospitals!) and thus will need at least a month of recovery at home… which means I get to drive her lunch truck for the time being.



  1. Is it on a one way street? Mapview shows cars parked on one side with only a single lane left open.

    “A calming atmosphere pervades, the soundtrack of mellow 1940s big band music matching the decade most of the locals in here were born.”


    Although I shouldn’t chuckle too much as one decade later and it’ll be when I was born. đŸ˜‰


    Yes, but how was the lacing?

    And I take it the black pepper in the soap acts as a kind of pumice? đŸ™‚



  2. “scones (pronounced scones)” –This made me laugh! I used to fear mispronouncing words in front of English people, but then I realized they themselves can’t agree on how anything’s pronounced. đŸ˜‰

    I like the look of that Woodforde’s Wherry pump clip. Don’t seem to hear many people talking about that one; are you a fan?

    Liked by 1 person

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