
A post for two-thirds of my American readers.  And all of my A-Ha fans.  I should like to see the Venn Diagram for those two populations.


I pursued Dick and Dave to the George in Bewdley, hoping in vain to use up some of my Quarter 4 Spoons Vouchers.

Why is Bewdley so yellow ?

Even the appeal of Tally Ho couldn’t attract us later that night.  And that Liberation Ale was as bad here as it was in Guernsey, by the way.


The nice lady at Spoons hotel reception confirmed two lovely American gentleman had checked in, and then pointed towards the riverside.

And then up towards Wyre Hill.  I almost expected her to tell me what they’d had to drink (a sensible level), such was her level of interest.

Halfway to the Black Boy I realised that even two fitness-mad Americans wouldn’t have made it up the Hill, and it wasn’t in the Beer Guide anyway.  Next time, lads.


No, they’d clearly headed straight for our rendezvous point to make sure the Bathams hadn’t run out, which is a real possibility in the Old Waggon & Horses.


They’d already turned one beer round. (Five points for identification).


I’d raved about this favourite on my beer and curry trip last August.  The addition of Coconut &Mango cake at the bar only increased it’s position in my Top 100 (up 17 places to No. 56).


Dick and Dave were doing what all good Pub Men do, chatting to the local biker (top) over pints of Mild in the October Worcestershire evening.

Their recollections would make a better blog than this one, but I know this chap was regaling them with tales of “Bob” Plant’s drinking exploits in Kidderminster.  Possibly not in the local micropubs.


Dick and Dave didn’t get on as well with the Banks’s Mild, reverting quickly to a Bathams I think we all judged excellent (NBSS 4).

But that didn’t stop them tracking down that same on Mild a few minutes later in the Rising Sun, subjecting one of my favourite landladies to the type of questioning about electric meters not seen since the Granada inquisition of 1526.  I jest, she was delighted to chat.


We were all delighted by the Mild/Original, a completely different beer to the handpumped stuff in the Waggon.  Just as it had been a year ago.  Ideally you’d start on this and work up to Bathams, but life is short.

Big, thick, oversized glasses too.  Mmmm.

A Black Country Head




      1. Not true. That was a group effort. And a very very good one. We learned a wide array of things from the Outlaw. Tectonic plates shifting under the river; floods of days gone by; innuendoes of biker fests that were likely illegal. Just never the answer to the one question we did ask. He was a gem. Amazing how good the Bathams was when served well. I did not think there were many beers left that would bowl me over. It did. How does Bewdley’s hill measure up to the hill in Brigdnorth? We did wander up that one.

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      2. There will be no running!

        The “conversation” with the Outlaw was fascinating. The Bathams was excellent. The story of the receptionist is hilarious. We did intend to walk up to the Black Boy, but we did not make it. There will be a next time.

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      3. We actually took a ride down the hill on the railway but walked back up. We each still have a ticket for one way, if I can find it.

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    1. We have been extremely lucky in meeting and conversing with many very friendly people in the UK. Even luckier having multiple days/nights on the ale with the notable Retired Martin and Pub Curmudgeon.

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  1. I’ve never thought much of Liberation Ale – bland and uninteresting. Bathams though, is a different thing altogether.

    Bewdley, and its pubs, looks smashing. I passed through the town once, but didn’t have time to stop for a pint, so must rectify that the next time I’m down that way.

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  2. All I can say is (apart from I’m jealous of course) is I have a pint glass just like the one in that last photo… and I’m pouring an Oatmeal Stout into it as a nightcap as I write this. 🙂


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