June 2024. Huddersfield.

Arriving at Huddersfield station with no fixed plan is a bad idea, right ?

But at least with £11 advance rail tickets limiting me to 3 hours, and a requirement for some “culture” it couldn’t get too messy, surely ?

Stood in St George’s Square I stared at the statue of Harold, 4 times election winner, for inspiration.

Inspiration came there none.

I stared back at the station, a mess of restoration work to the right (not that you can see it in these photos) but with a positive message,

and felt a bit sorry for the King’s Head,

So I popped in. I’m getting a bit wary of telling you all these GBG pub I’m revisiting are my first visit for 20 years so let’s say I was last here in 2010. Who knows ?

I doubt it’s changed a jot.

Perhaps a few more awards on the wall,

perhaps the Magic Rock Ringmaster didn’t even exist in 2010, but Jimi Hendrix still holds court, it still feels a bit social club with everyone seated round the walls,

and there’s a great buzzy atmosphere, the lack of music only amplifying that sound of chat.

With Harold Wilson looming over proceedings outside, the banter is appropriately about politics past.

Maggie, Maggie, Maggie

Maggie Thatcher ?

Maggie May !

And then, as with the Head of Steam, it starts to liven up.

Oh, and the beer in this cask stronghold is superb; cool, crisp and c***y (3.5+).

But I ought to slow down; I have culture to find.

5 thoughts on “HUDDOPOLY STOP No.2 – THE KING’S HEAD

  1. I believe we ended our tour here on our Huddersfield visit. Cold is the word. Odd though since the place has a definite vibe that under the right circumstances could really appeal to me. After places like Slubbers though it just felt cold.

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