SAN MARINO. “Rather magical, actually”.

If Rimini was unexpectedly brilliant, then we had great expectations of Mrs RM’s 41st European tick, largely based on Sirs Quinno and Doris;

Our own view of the city was altogether different in the midsummer sunset. It had looked magical in the distance on the train from Milan, and the excitement on the bus was palpable as we had passed the (near invisible) new country marker as you hit the foothills of Most Serene Republic of San Marino via the vape shops of Dogano.

Actually, there was no excitement, as the other six passengers left long before the bus arrived on the top of Mount Titano, where we had our first view across the kingdom.

And met our first (and last, to be fair) officious sign.

From there, the views just got better.

Mrs RM wanted to “do” the old city (pop. 4,061, we saw them all), but had no idea what “do” actually meant. Luckily, Untappd has (many) ideas;

So I suggested a San Marino beer to the accompaniment of a pre-recorded tinkly piano in the Grand Hotel, which was deserted and fussy, as the name suggests.

More free crisps here; FAR too many crisps. I think this lad is shouting “No more crisps !“.

Did I mention it’s gorgeous ?

Hills in all directions; take any route, they all go UP,

and find yourself amazed by the price of sandwiches,

and whether people only visit to buy knives, guns,

and models of ducks.

It was eerily quiet and we figured we ought to check-in at our hotel down the hill before popping back to catch the sunset.

As you’ll see shortly, a spectacularly good decision, despite a hairy walk on a pavement-less road.

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