June 2024. Rimini.

San Marino was to be the big country tick, but we were almost as excited about a first visit to Rimini on the Italian east coast.

I’d booked the bus out to San Marino in 3 hours time, surely enough to do justice to an unregarded seaside city of 149,000, smaller than Southend.

So, would Rimini be the Southend of Italy ? In fairness, Leigh-on-Sea has its moments of beauty, but perhaps none as magical as the neighbourhood of Borgo San Giuliano,

a mix of pastel, punk,

and petticoats.

Mrs RM was getting a bit fractious about being distracted from the sea, there’s something about gentlefolk wanting to see the water, and we followed the canal with its highlights of Fellini films along the left bank.

The right bank contained a rather more surprising tribute to 8th tier Hadley FC.

And then, suddenly, we’re at the sea, with beach volleyball, one of those big wheel things that allows you to see Southend from Rimini on a clear day,

and a soundtrack of Manfred Mann’s “Mighty Quinn” coming from an Art Deco bar that Mrs RM decides she’s going in, if only because she needs a “comfort break”.

As everywhere on this trip, the lady at Avamposto was cheery and friendly despite our pathetic lack of Italian, and enthusiastic about our local craft beer choices (not Coca Cola).

“Thank you mate, appreciate it” she said, almost estuary Essex, as I tipped for the crisps.

And then began a long, long, walk along Rimini prom. Most of the beach is carved up by number and licensed out to private companies flogging you sun loungers, beach volleyball, crazy golf and splash pools, none of which appealed.

Our target is the bus stop at Number 59, which takes an hour to reach and as the bus pulls out of town we realise with horror we’ve missed out the old part of the city entirely.

So in the morning we return from San Marino early and Do the Old Town, a heady mix of modern art,

Roman bridges,

15th century churches,

(St. Mary’s above, Malatestiano Temple below),

and probably the biggest women’s clothing market outside of Bury (either one).

I reckon there were more people in that underwear market than on the beach (in 30 degree heat).. Just as it should be.

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