June 2024. Sheffield.

Back in Sheffield from the cold, grim, South, we’re seeing a fresh spurt of regeneration in the centre of town.

The main pedestrian shopping street renewed, posh Scandinavian shops, even the Sam Smiths has found a new management couple.

But the Big Thing is Cambridge Street Collective, Europe’s BIGGEST purpose built food court.

This may not be quite as big a claim as you think, as 99% of food courts are repurposing of meat markets, meat markets or meat markets.

But it’s certainly busy. I read 70,000 visitors in the first week, and packed two weeks in,  which means a sizeable turnover at £15 an average dish and £6+ a pint.

Really good food, too, including these excellent Palestinian dishes

but it’s exciting beer you’re interested in, yeah, and beer lovers prepare to be delighted as,

they have Madri, made by Spanish artisans in a nano brewery in Ye Olde Spain.

Or, if you’re more of a craft man (or woman, casual sexist), it’s Beavertown or Brew Dog.

Ever one to support the underdog, I go for Wingman. At least it’s a clean glass.

I missed the hidden Abbeydale keg, apparently.

Three levels, great view from the top over “new” Sheff, though perhaps the craft range leaves a little to be desired.

Honestly, that’s it.

A soundtrack of Genesis and U2, and a toilet only allowing hand-holding couples.

It’s a formula that cannot fail.


  1. There’s a bit of Abbeydale (Heresy/Heathen) on FYI at the downstairs bar, cunningly hidden by being nowhere near the rest of the taps. Mad old place tbf.

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  2. ah Political food, brilliant. I’ve been avoiding the Grove in Huddersfield since they took it on themselves to be blatantly pro Ukraine. I just don’t care – give me good beer.

    I don’t go to a pub to be bombarded by nationalist flags.


      1. It does seem to be an advertisement for poor cask. I had my only second plant pot pour yesterday, in Northallerton.

        A town that could be so much better.

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  3. Yes I was in the Cambridge Street food court last Tuesday. I have been watching it’s construction from our nearby office. The rust shed as we call it. Quite impressed apart from the drink options.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Robin.

      I’m impressed with it, looks great and anything that creates jobs and rejuvenates central Sheffield good, though of course may impact Cutlery Works etc. Cambridge St seemed to have a distinct after-work crowd.


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