THE POWDER MONKEY (well, one of them, anyway)

June 2024. Gosport.

My work for this 3 days of in-law entertaining nearly done, it was time for a walk;

At last, a decent step count.

Blackpool Jane did a very similar trip recently, but she only claimed 19,317 steps, though possibly more meat raffles were clocked up.

From Queens you head towards the marina and ordnance yards,

and Gosport, a working town, starts to look a little bit posh. And very lovely as we finally get some sunshine.

No idea what this boat is,

so let’s guess it’s carrying the 3,016 tonnes of lamb and sausages to be won at Gosport pub meat raffles that week.

I don’t really want another beer, but I’m passing Powder Monkey which Jane loved so have no choice,

and Priddy’s Hard, also home to the museum of naval firepower, has some great views across the water.

There’s two (2) Powder Monkeys here, a bar and a tap, which has great potential to confuse BRAPA,

except it’s only the tap open, and quiet bar a large group of mates playing “Let’s try ALL the beers“.

I ignore the guest cask and play “What would Jane do ?” and guess keg Black Forest stout, correctly

It’s tremendous, and I drink it staring at a rotating screen display which might tell me more about the beer I’m drinking if it ever stops telling me about ‘istree, T-shirts and quiz nights to a Queen/Bowie soundtrack.

I actually get irrationally irritated that the display never returns to the page about the Black Forest Stout, like a St. Mirren Fan in 1986 waiting for page 308 of Ceefax to come round again to reveal their fate at Partick Thistle.

But I come to my senses just in time to catch the sunset,

and scamper back to Mrs RM just before Lidl closes its wine and chocolate aisles.

So I’ll never know what I could have had at the Jolly Roger (actually, I will, it was Doom Bar).

4 thoughts on “THE POWDER MONKEY (well, one of them, anyway)

  1. Brut IPA? Ooh, that takes me back. Not seen one of them for years, since it was the Next Big Thing for about a week; and after everyone tried one, they never had another.

    I’ve never been to Gosport. I’ve never felt as if I was missing much. Seems I might have been wrong: neo-retro made-up beer styles that no-one gave a monkey’s (pun intended) about. That’s a thing, surely? Fingers crossed for an India Pale Lager if I visit!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Yeah, that stuff, or something almost as unpleasant. I think my tasting notes were along the lines of “Big floral and herbal nose. Completely lacking condition. Has a strong, solventy alcohol hit on the finish. Tastes like gin”

        I was always a Hai Karate man. They made an excellent dark mild.


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