September 2023. Brigg.

This mini-post brought to you via “tethered wifi” (idk) on the bumpy bus from Belgrade to Tuzla.

Pub 2 of our 50p each way rail trip to bucolic Brigg, a second of three (3) pubs before noon.

As Duncan noted, Brigg (pop. 5,000 odd) is quite a large town to be deprived of a regular rail stop, the minimal service practically useless for shopping and pubbing in Sheffield or Grimsby.

Today’s pubs included a Spoons, a hotel bar, an upmarket wet-led pub, a crafty place and this Craft Union, one of their very rare Beer Guide entries.

That said, we seem to have all but ditched Sam Smiths from GBG24, so the lack of Craft Union (often one cheap, well known cask) isn’t surprising.

“Make sure you get a pint” says Mrs RM, joining Jeff and Will in the corner.

She’s taking on board what I taught her, belatedly.

The very cheery landlady says “you from Sheffield too ?”, the arrival of strangers greeted with close to wonder. Wait till they meet Colin the Cauliflower.

A pint of gorgeous Black Sheep (good choice for a sole cask), lime and soda and Mini Cheddars costs £4.30.

The chat with cheery locals costs nothing, but is even better.

I leave Mrs RM debating bus services and Doncaster with two locals, she says she’ll buy sandwiches from the bakery and catch us up in pub 4.

She forgets the sandwiches.

7 thoughts on “ONE BEER IS PLENTY…

  1. “The very cheery landlady” reminds me that I’ve recently been served by very cheery staff in the Newport, Rugeley and Brighton Craft Unions. I had a good pint in all of them.

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  2. My local Craft Union battle, which opened about two years ago, has a handwritten sign saying Regulars Only on the door. Can’t see the place lasting long.


      1. Southgate high street, N. London, a few doors down from Wetherspoons. I think it’s aimed at people who find the Spoons a bit posh.


      1. Bill, maybe they mean “regular” in the sense that all Bass drinkers were said to be “regular” !


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