June 2024. Gosport.

In fairness to my parents-in-law, they’re game for anything, even Eritrean finger food, which means I can take them in micropubs and industrial estate brewery taps. and they’re quite mobile for (recently hospitalised) folk in their mid-80s.

But can I get them to decide where to head for breakfast.

“Where would YOU like to go ?”

“Don’t mind, whatever YOU want ?”

How about Wetherspoons ?

Well, that went down well, gentlefolk love JDW, and 10 minutes later we’re parked up next to Gosport’s long and uneventful High Street,

Here’s a reminder from yesteryear;

So the Spoons the undoubted Star, the smartest and busiest place in town.

Actually, it doesn’t seem that busy, and the absence of any food on the app makes me wonder if the Star’s gone completely wet or something.

But it’s just a “technical issue”, so I can order four excellent benedicts and coffees at the bar, and somehow resist the lure of a morning Funky Monkey.

I’ve read a lot of delighted commentary over the last year on the demise of Spoons, largely politically motivated nonsense, but although they’re not my favourites they seem the first port of call for students and gentlefolk alike across the country. By the time we left just after 10am the Star had three dozen in.

And while the cask remains as unpredictable as ever, and those queues a source of irritation to pub purists, I’m not the first to note the food has actually improved a bit this last year. The black pudding in my miner’s benedict was historic.

Shame about the coffee.


      1. Getting a good black coffee can be a nightmare. Why can MacDonalds do it every time for less than £1.50 but many mainstream coffee houses, both chain and independent, serve undrinkable crap for £3?!

        Liked by 2 people

      2. RM, never had chicken selects so I can’t comment. I do know that the Filet-o-fish is one of the most profoundly unpleasant things I’ve ever tried to eat.

        Liked by 2 people

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