June 2024. Portsmouth.

With the in-laws tucked up in bed at Gosport by 7pm and Mrs RM left bereft by the early closure of Aldi (“Bring me back wine”), I had a night in Portsmouth to myself.

A bus from the vandalised stop at Gosport Leisure Centre to the barely more attractive ferry, where I see the staff taking your cash have been replaced with ticket machines, saving you (checks receipt), oh, actually it seems to have doubled in price for the 5 minute trip.

But the views…

Keep your ferry across the Mersey or Orwell or whatever,

an arrival at The Hard under blue Pompey skies is always a joy,

and I’m reminded of a song with absolutely no connection at all to the rough bit of naval Portsmouth.

Portsmouth can be relied on to come up with a couple of GBG newbies every year, and you always wonder “How on earth haven’t I noticed the Ship Anson before“.

A dark, rambling, likeable place with nautical tat and modest food menu, bit like the Belhaven places in St Andrews.

OK, it’s a very Greene King lineup, and surely no-one is fooled by house beers in 2024,

so it must be the CAMRA discount beer quality responsible for the Guide debut.

Blimey ! It is. Cool, rich, 3.5. The clip says “Pirate Amber Ale”, I’ll wager it’s London Glory.

And a pleasing mix of trade, seemingly dominated by American bandsmen in town ahead of the D-Day commemorations.

Just for them, the pub plays “Africa” by Toto, which I’m sure is the American national anthem. Or is it ours?

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